Black Ruby la collection recyclée par Debbie Wijskamp

Debbie Wijskamp, jeune femme designer néerlandaise nous présente la collection Black Ruby, bols, plats et assiettes réalisés à partir de granules de caoutchouc recyclés.
Le designer mixe de la poudre de caoutchouc, provenant de pneus de voiture, et de la colle afin de former de petits galets malléables.
Bonbons, réglisse, casques, soucoupes volantes, formes et matières contribuent à alimenter notre imagination.
« Since she was a little girl, Dutch designer Debbie Wijskamp (1984) is interested in interiors and creating things.
After her graduation in 2009, she has been operating her design practice in her studio in Arnhem.  Now she is designing and producing her own collection of (interior) products and other objects, and is open for collaboration with companies and other designers. 
Wijskamp gets inspired by everyday objects and materials we are surrounded with. She likes to investigate the boundaries of various materials and techniques to find out what possibilities they offer to create new objects like furniture and interior products. »