Le studio américain Matter Design Studio composé de Wes McGee et Brandon Clifford nous présentent leur dernier projet baptisé La Voûte de LeFevre , entre art et architecture, entre technologie et matière noble.
Chaque pièce est traitée numériquement, calculée, calibrée tel un puzzle pour que les volumes et jeux de forces soient parfaits.
Un résultat bluffant, entièrement réalisé en contreplaqué.
Présentation du projet :
« The vault is computed with a solver-based model that elicits a compression-only structure, from a non-ideal geometry. The model requires a fixed geometry as input, and opens apertures in order to vary the weight of each unit. This dynamic system re-configures the weight of the units based on a volumetric calculation.
If unit A contains twice the volume of unit B, then unit A weights twice as much. It requires that the material of the project be consistent, and solid (hollow does not work).
The computed result produces a project that will stand ‘forever’ as there is zero tension in the system precisely because of the weight and volume of the project, and not in spite of it. The vault is produced with Baltic Birch plywood. The plywood is sourced in three quarter inch thick sheets awaiting the ‘thickening’. Each custom unit is dissected and sliced into these thicknesses, cut from the sheets, and then physically re-constituted into a rough volumetric form of their final geometry.
These roughs are indexed onto a full sheet and glued, vacuum pressed, and re-placed onto the CNC (computer numerically controlled) router. »
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